Our students have an experience inside and outside the classroom that is individualized and student-driven.
VIA Student Announcments
Building Community
Daily Advisory
Weekly Community Circle Grade Meetings
Monthly School-Wide Town Halls
Opportunities for In-Person Meet Ups
Lunch-time Activities and After School Clubs
Guest Lecture Series
Student-Led Theatre Performances
Virtual Talent and Fashion Show
Virtual Career Days
Anime Club
Art Society
Girls Who Code (GWC is open to all)
Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
Student Government
Students are able to design their own clubs.
We offer:
A counselor who will meet you twice monthly.
An advisor who meets daily with students.
Internet Etiquette classes to address online bullying.
Restorative practices in every classroom.
A dean of students to address student concerns.
Weekly Social and emotional elective classes.
Yoga and meditation as a part of Physical Education.
After school wellness clubs and activities.
Virtual theatre curriculum that addresses bullying.
Game-based learning that addresses depression, social anxiety, and other issues associated with isolation.
Our Population
We serve grade 9 students who are in their 1st year of high school and reside in NYC. Our students come from all 5 boroughs and are very diverse. General education students, students with individualized education plans, and students who are learning English as a new or second language are welcome at A School Without Walls. We will add a new 9th grade of about 120 students each year until we offer instruction to students in grades 9-12.